Tired of feeling embarrassed about your teeth? Warminster cosmetic dentistry can restore your beautiful smile. Ask us about veneers and teeth whitening and how we can maximize your dental insurance. We also provide teeth whitening, braces and dental implants.
At Signature Dental of Bucks County we're dedicated to transforming a missing tooth, a chipped tooth, discoloration or other imperfections.
Our warm and knowledgeable team will be more than willing to explain options. You'll feel a boost in confidence having new crowns, porcelain veneers or other treatments that produce outstanding results that let you show off your natural beauty.
You deserve a gorgeous, health new smile. Don't wait another moment. Call us at (215) 443-7373 or fill out the web form to schedule a consultation for Warminster cosmetic dentistry with Dr. David Valen.
Spruce up your smile with ultra-thin porcelain dental veneers. Let Dr. Valen preserve your natural teeth, and improve your total look. Veneers can literally cover up a multitude of problems, creating your perfect smile.
Dr. Valen offers the cosmetic dentistry procedure of dental implants to many tooth loss patients with healthy and mostly intact jawbone ridges and oral tissue for dramatic, natural-looking teeth that seem like they were always there! As dental implants must be permanently anchored into the jaw, not all tooth loss patients may qualify, but Dr. Valen will find the cosmetic dentistry solution that best suits you!
When the size of a "filling" exceeds a certain proportion of the tooth, Dr. Valen will likely recommend that it be replaced with a "cap[c/]" also called a "crown." Porcelain crowns look very natural and don't have a dark metal line. Porcelain crowns reflect light with a natural, healthy glow.
Bonding is the perfect solution when you have an individual tooth that has been broken, traumatized, or damaged. Dr. Valen will use a special bonding material that looks and feels like natural tooth enamel which is then sculpted to repair your imperfect tooth. Bonding is an affordable, quick, and painless way to go.
You don't have to live with your old metal fillings. Using tooth-colored composite restorations, Dr. Valen can transform your metal mouth into a whiter, more natural smile. And you don't have to worry about the composite wearing down or causing other teeth to wear. Count on the friendly professionals at Signature Dental of Bucks County to give you a great new look.
Stained and discolored teeth will be a thing of the past with help from Dr. David Valen. The staff at Signature Dental of Bucks County uses proven whitening techniques to brighten your smile in just a few visits. If you thought teeth this white were only for celebrities, think again!
If you're looking for a highly-trained cosmetic dentist in Warminster you've come to the right place. Dr. Valen offers cosmetic dentistry that Warminster residents have come to trust for the highest quality dental care.
Signature Dental of Bucks County We also offer:
TMD Treatment Sleep Apnea Treatment (Go to Patient Forms for more info)
How Old Is Your Toothbrush?
Replace your toothbrush every 3 or 4 months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won't do a good job of cleaning your teeth.
A Healthy Diet Makes a Healthy Smile!
For healthy teeth and gums, eat a balanced diet and limit between-meal snacks. Go easy on sugary treats!